J. Luce Foundation India

Raising, Supporting, Educating Youth in India & Around World

The Lotus Charitable Trust was founded in Bihar, India 2018. Located above Calcutta (Kolkata), Bihar is the poorest province of India. The Trust’s Mission is helping the unfortunate, especially the most vulnerable of the poor, our children. #LotusCharitableTrust

In 2019, the James Jay Dudley Luce Foundation India was formed towards Raising, Supporting and Educating Young Global Leaders. #LuceFoundationIndia

Towards this end, land was acquired and construction begun of the Lotus Free School, with two temporary classrooms built and another five under construction. Currently there are 75 students in grades 1-6, with another 75 ready to enroll upon completion. 25 of these children are orphaned. #LotusFreeSchool

Nirvana NPO Japan has provided instrumental and generous support for the school since inception. #NirvanaNPO #JapanCares

See: www.facebook.com/LuceFoundationIndia

Raising, Supporting, Educating Youth in India & Around World

The Lotus Charitable Trust was founded in Bihar, India 2018. Located above Calcutta (Kolkata), Bihar is the poorest province of India. The Trust’s Mission is helping the unfortunate, especially the most vulnerable of the poor, our children. #LotusCharitableTrust

In 2019, the James Jay Dudley Luce Foundation India was formed towards Raising, Supporting and Educating Young Global Leaders. #LuceFoundationIndia

Towards this end, land was acquired and construction begun of the Lotus Free School, with two temporary classrooms built and another five under construction. Currently there are 75 students in grades 1-6, with another 75 ready to enroll upon completion. 25 of these children are orphaned. #LotusFreeSchool

Nirvana NPO Japan has provided instrumental and generous support for the school since inception. #NirvanaNPO #JapanCares

See: www.facebook.com/LuceFoundationIndia

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