The Stewardship Report

The Stewardship Report on Connecting Goodness, published by the J. Luce Foundation since April 2010, has averaged three new stories per day since 2015. With over 100 contributors, readership continues to grow each year – currently 7,500 per month. An app for iPhone and Android for the SR is needed.

Covering Faces, Issues, World Affairs, Life Style, the Arts, and Video, SR offers articles by a global mix of over 50 writers since its spring inception, including the American Ambassador to Haiti, the Sri Lankan Ambassador to the U.N. The Facebook group page for contributors and friends already has more than 600 members. The portal’s mission is to engage the world to improve it. It is about bettering ourselves so that we can do more to better humanity. It is accepting the responsibility we have as human beings — Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Humanist, or None of the Above — to actively help better the world.

The Stewardship Report includes profiles, social diary, business, children, conflict resolution, connectivity, education, environment, eyewitness, health, viewpoint, politics, United Nations, news and views from Africa, the Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Mid-East, South Asia, Developing World, as well as Artists, Cultural, Dance, Film, Fine Arts, Literature, Music, Museums, Theater, Photography, and the Performing Arts. 

Due to a commitment to low overhead, The James Jay Dudley Luce Foundation cannot accept unsolicited proposals for grants but welcomes press-releases and content for possible ‘spotlighting.’

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